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Full Version: Easy way to clean the interior walls of sleeper
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Cleaning the interior walls of the sleeper...

In my ProStar I have that automotive fuzzy fabric on the walls, it is imbedded into the plastic walls. I know you can go at this with a towel and all purpose cleaner and scrub until the cows come home... YouTube to the rescue!


Yes, this works, I bought the Griot's Garage 6" orbital... https://amzn.to/2YQgLB0

And the Maxshine microfibre pad... https://amzn.to/30tuLB1

I pounded out that sleeper in no time, like 30 minutes, and boy does it look great! Used on the vinyl too, so much faster and such a better job than doing this by hand. I used Woolite in a spray bottle. I wanted to use some Simple Green, but was out, so I grabbed the Woolite.

Used 409 lemon scent on the vinyl.

Smells very nice in there now, and is CLEAN.
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