You get a chance to give all your kids a bath!
Don't forget the 2010 Lonestar. HAHA
Lonestar gettin a bath at beacon tomorrow
My day off today consisted of a service, snuggling up loose bolts and checking for boost leaks.
(08-24-2019 )Brock Wrote: [ -> ]My day off today consisted of a service, snuggling up loose bolts and checking for boost leaks.
Do you know the bathtub is very good to look where boost leaks?:big_smile2:
(08-24-2019 )Lonestar10 Wrote: [ -> ]You get a chance to give all your kids a bath!
I like that pasture in the background
(08-25-2019 )david24 Wrote: [ -> ] (08-24-2019 )Lonestar10 Wrote: [ -> ]You get a chance to give all your kids a bath!
I like that pasture in the background
Me too. That prty green grass really jump starts the heart. Wish mine looked like that.
Lonestar, since you washed up the toys i gather you got the truck fixed?