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f#@%in theif broke into my shop around 1:30 am Monday morning. Stole about $7,000 worth of tools and equipment. Anyone who's been robbed like this knows the feeling of walking in and seeing all your stuff missing and knowing it's likely gone forever. The up side is I got a video of the truck coming in and going out but you can't make out the license plate number. What a major bummer, this isn't what i needed right now. I would love to run into this guy somewhere!!
Damn scumbags, hopefully they’ll do something stupid and get caught.
I feel your pain, just a terrible emotion that is not needed at this time.
Hang in there and do not dwell on the thief, he’ll get his due
Need to go back to cutting off a hand and the thieving would stop.
(06-02-2020 )tree98 Wrote: [ -> ]f#@%in theif broke into my shop around 1:30 am Monday morning. Stole about $7,000 worth of tools and equipment. Anyone who's been robbed like this knows the feeling of walking in and seeing all your stuff missing and knowing it's likely gone forever. The up side is I got a video of the truck coming in and going out but you can't make out the license plate number. What a major bummer, this isn't what i needed right now. I would love to run into this guy somewhere!!
That totally sucks, I can't stand a thief. I would find a good audio video person to see if they can clean it up and see the plate. Did you do a police report? If they did other places sometimes it helps putting little bits together from each place. Wish you luck finding them.
Check the online auction and FB market for any big or expensive items. Set reminders and alerts for when those specific items come up for sale or auction. Criminals a crafty but often time stupid. Maybe you'll catch them trying to sell some of the stuff.

Also put an add out on those places that you're looking to buy those big items. Maybe you'll get them to call you trying to sell them.
graigslist too
They used to hang horse thieves not because they stole horses but so that horses wouldn't be stolen

Can you tell from the video if they're from the same state? That could help narrow down the search
This happened early on a Monday morning (around 1:30 am) and by Wednesday I knew who the thief was, what he was driving, where he lived, where he hung out, the fact that he has an outstanding warrant since 2018. The police have yet to give a sh%& about any of it. This guy has been on a theft spree lately around here and the police apparently don't care one bit.
Tree98 I feel you on the part where law enforcement just doesn't care.

Had a four wheeler stolen, found it for sale on Facebook market place. Told sheriff's department. It was in another state. About 50 miles from where we live. To my knowledge they never did anything. I settled with insurance company so no longer my problem.

Just the lack of doing anything burns my butt. The folks running around saying it can be replaced. Can't replace the hours of my life spent working to pay for it.
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