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Full Version: ProStar - bad 6 pack switch
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One of my 6 pack switches is acting up, has been since I bought the truck years ago, but it's been happening a lot more lately. When I drive on rough road or over a rough bridge or railway tracks is when it usually acts up. A bang to the switch pack with my phone or the edge of my hand usually gets it working again. The symptoms when it acts up: rarely - all the green lights start flashing on the switches, but usually - the jake brake icon on the dash will start flashing, the hill start light only on the 6 pack will flash, and the gear indicator will switch between 'F' and whatever gear it's in. Once again, I can't say enough how much I regret buying an autoshit; I'd take my 13 standard back any day.

My question: What's involved in replacing this switch pack? Is it just a matter of plug and play (and maybe swapping a couple switches if they're not identical), or am I going to have to go real deep into DLB and re-program those 6 switches?
The pack is plug-and-play. Mark your connectors. These can be plugged in wrong. FWIW if you have an empty/unused switch in the pack you can move the function. With DLB you click on it, right or left click I don't remember which, and drag it to the new position.

This assumes the empty spot has the circuit/switch. At the start a 6 pack had 6 "active" slots. Eventually they changed that. Any way if you do have an unused spoy pop the cover off. If you see two buttons in there it is "live".

Post a VIN and I should be able to tell if a blank spot is "live".
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