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My fan stays on - Printable Version

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My fan stays on - Nhramember - 02-27-2025

Good morning everyone! I have a problem and can’t seem to solve it. I have replaced engine coolant temp sensor, fan solenoid switch , fixed air leak at hub where hose goes in the [attachment=9783][attachment=9783]hub. I pulled in insite again and it says fan drive state intake manifold. Does that mean imap sensor bad cause I’m not getting a code for it no codes at all in ecm. I’m stumped anybody experienced it? Any answers greatly appreciated. Thanks [attachment=9783]

RE: My fan stays on - MPDiagnostics - 02-27-2025

What’s your intake manifold temp reading? If for some reason there is bad wiring or a bad sensor that is causing high intake temperature then I assume the fan would turn on

RE: My fan stays on - Nhramember - 02-27-2025

(02-27-2025 )MPDiagnostics Wrote:  What’s your intake manifold temp reading? If for some reason there is bad wiring or a bad sensor that is causing high intake temperature then I assume the fan would turn on

It’s reading 228

RE: My fan stays on - MPDiagnostics - 03-03-2025

Assuming you have an ISX 15 Cm2350 the manual says that the fan will come on at intake temp of 200 F. You are well above that. Check your sensor or wiring. Replace that sensor if it’s over 250k miles. Then you can check wiring. Maybe there’s a mechanical issue as well. At least you can start somewhere