Cold weather preparation
12-08-2016, (Subject: Cold weather preparation ) 
Post: #5
RE: Cold weather preparation
I never heard of a belly tarp until ice road truckers.
I couldn't agree more with HH about the winter front.

Unless you're running Canada or Alaska I don't see any need for it with temps. above 0.
One thing you have to watch is fuel blends coming out of the south and higher water content.
We used rubatex pipe insulation on fuel crossover lines and beer cozies on the filters, dosing with anti gel additive and kept the winter front buttoned up.
In later trucks I ran Artic Fox tank immersion heaters. The bonnets on the front of the tanks help keep fuel warm.

At temps below 0 the best thing you can do is drop the speed!
Everyone forgets about wind chill. The faster you go the colder the metal and fuel get.

I had a team partner TWICE leave me on the side of the road with a truck barely running because he wouldn't slow down in - 20 weather.. By running down the shoulder at 2000 rpm in low gear and gradually working it up to 50 mph over 20 miles I was able to get back to operating temperature .
No way was I going to wait a day for him to get back to a frozen truck that no one could thaw out with dozens of other trucks in the same condition. Nothing like the threat of freezing to death to motivate you!

User's Signature: 2010 386 Pete CM871, 13 spd. 3.55

Messages In This Thread
RE: Cold weather preparation - in2trux - 12-08-2016

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