Rear end delete
04-25-2017, (Subject: Rear end delete ) 
Post: #7
RE: Rear end delete
My buddy ordered his with a dead axle. He complains all the time about how fast it east up is tires. And backing up it hops in tight pinchs. I think he's only getting 150,000 miles and has to rotate often

Messages In This Thread
Rear end delete - flonly - 04-23-2017,
RE: Rear end delete - kryten - 04-23-2017,
RE: Rear end delete - flonly - 04-23-2017,
RE: Rear end delete - Rawze - 04-24-2017,
RE: Rear end delete - flonly - 04-24-2017,
RE: Rear end delete - schISM - 04-24-2017,
RE: Rear end delete - Trucker66 - 04-25-2017

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