Droping the transmission
05-03-2016, (Subject: Droping the transmission ) 
Post: #2
RE: Droping the transmission
If it is a transmission jack yes. If it is a floor jack, it will, but you will need another set of hands, if not three to get it out. Most likely that oil is coming from the bell housing gasket, and if it is, better to take it to a shop from my understanding as it is a bitch to do. I just had mine done, as did a friend of mine. That housing has an oil return galley in it from the top of the motor back to the pan. You need to use a micrometer to reinstall the housing. Not something I would attempt if you have not done one or two before. Leave it to Cummins... Just do a google on ISX Bell housing gasket, plenty of horror stories out there.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Droping the transmission - Waterloo - 05-03-2016

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