What version of Calterm?
11-17-2018, (Subject: What version of Calterm? ) 
Post: #3
RE: What version of Calterm?
C A L T E R M - 3.17 (made in 2017) is what most of the engine tuning guys will say is the best version made to date.

here is the md5sum of official version was directly downloaded from red engine maker so u know it don have a virus in it...
f5dfae07c1042caa30dec7cf99f374e0 'CaltermIIIv3.17.0.000.exe'

Although u should never accept any advice or engine programs from those guys who hang out on those places, it can be found on those auto tuning sites like zezauto, dk, etc. Those kind of places and their tuning techniques are the main source of diseased plague that Rawze and others on here that see bad deletes warns about.

Messages In This Thread
RE: What version of Calterm? - MageRoyal - 11-17-2018

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