(02-20-2019 )flatfoot Wrote: 2013 IH 5900i with MaxxForce 13 that I am getting along quite well with, thanks in part to some of information I have gathered from this site! As this truck is used for farm use, short hauls, with idling, realize must be pro active on maintenance. Have TEXA diagnostic.
Bought this truck for the Allison tran (RDS 4500) not the engine!!
Flatfoot, your temps look pretty good. There a DOC test that can be run. It requires a sensor simulator. I have only seen it done with OE software (NEDS) don't know if Texa supports that test or not. But your temps look pretty good. Your aftertreatment (dosing) injector is probably OK because of where your temps are at. This is not a Cummins. The automatic may be helping more than you know. These engines do not live well above about 1250 RPM. Fueling goes to hell and soot goes thru the roof plugging the EGR system. I would recommend you buy the OE manuals for this. All the info comes on a thumb drive. It will cover everything on the truck except the transmission and maybe the diffs. I have not seen a lot of info on here about the 13L but I have not really looked. If you find a site as dedicated to the {max-force}13L as this site is to Cummins I would like to know about it. There is plenty of well deserved hate out there for this engine. But they can be kept alive and out of trouble. Even in operations worse than yours. Do whatever you can to minimize your idle. Good luck.