Removing an APU
03-08-2019, (Subject: Removing an APU ) 
Post: #1
Removing an APU
The truck that I'm currently driving was an OTR truck before the farmer that I'm driving for bought it. It has a Thermo King APU on it that we do not need. Just to save weight we would like to remove it, and the headache rack from the truck.
I've never dealt with one of these before, I see lines running into the bunk area through the floor and other lines heading to the engine bay. Has anybody ever removed one of these? I've looked for video's but haven't had much luck, if someone knows where I could find some type of tutorial that would be great. I don't know what needs to be plumbed where when I disconnect the lines. Any help is appreciated, thanks

Messages In This Thread
Removing an APU - Ramsey - 03-08-2019
RE: Removing an APU - Nilao - 03-08-2019,

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