(08-01-2019 )Chamberpains Wrote: Here is a link to your original post to this mess you have. http://rawze.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=3464
We already answered where you can get Insite and an Inline adapter. You said your equipment was weeks out but that was a year ago.
What happened with the ESN and CPL you originally posted? "79188948 cpl is 8520" Did it end up being wrong or what?
Did you ever contact Mr Hagg? Unilevers or MommaBurt would be a better contact on this. PM either one of them, they are very trustworthy and know waht they're talking about. I believe they mess with more CM870 programming than Mr Hagg. You need the correct program in the ECM to match the exact engine you have. THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN 1ST BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER TRYING TO STRAIGHTEN THIS MESS OUT.
Did you ever run any of the injector tests? Bubble tests? Cylinder cut out test?
Your turbo sounds like its in bad shape if its leaking oil out of the actuator arm. You can pull the actuator off by unbolting it and sliding it off. This is a link to Cummins Quickserve (IT'S FREE) https://quickserve.cummins.com/info/index.html it register that ESN you posted (its for a CM870) it will have a full step by step instructions on how to properly check your turbo out. With actual tolerances of what is acceptable to keep running and what and when it is junk and should be taken out of service.
Did you ever follow the procedure Rawze posted on checking your timing\fueling actuators? http://rawze.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=110
If so, what shape were they in? How bad did the wiring look to them. Its fairly common for the plugs and harness itself to go bad. Especially after the dipshits that put this thing together for you fooled around with everything thing. I feel your pain on how bad this truck was put together. I have a very similar story with mine. There are ways to test the harness and plugs. That is all on Quickserve also. Run that procedure down. Don't just throw parts at this monster you have. You will probably end up throwing a lot of $$$ away if you do.
It can all be fixed and we'll help you get there but you have to do the work in the proper order or we're all just gonna be shooting in the dark. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE PROPER PROGRAM TO THE EXACT CPL ENGINE YOU HAVE IN THE TRUCK. Then we can proceed to diagnosing the rest of you problems.
That expandable freeze plug had better be held in real good. With 36+ psi pushing on it it may come dislodged. There are a couple companies making blocking plates out there. I won't link you to any because they have crap sites and sell copy and paste BS horrible programming. But the blocking plate that you remove the Venturi mixing pipe are solid enough and last a long time.
Chanmberpains thank you for finding that old thread I lost that esn and I had called the shop that put the engine in to get it. i was still skeptical as to weather that is in fact the esn but it's all i have to go off of right now at this moment. I will go ahead and check those actuators and wiring today and the turbo actuator... My dad had 7 strokes a month ago and I've been sitting so I'm super low in funds till I get this thing on the road... I'll send mommaburt a PM so I can see about getting the proper tuning in there... This is my dad's truck but be won't be able to run it anymore and my cm2250 just dropped a liner so this is what I'm down to I will keep y'all updated this time and thanks for all the help