Expansion valve nightmare
08-07-2019, (Subject: Expansion valve nightmare ) 
Post: #1
Star Expansion valve nightmare
I had a lot of fun yesterday...I needed to change my AC compressor and with that I would also change my expansion valve and receiver dryer well the bolts for the expansion valve were stripped...and I couldn't find my angle drill. So out comes my .045 cutoff wheel that made short work of it.the next challenge was to get the seized bolts out of the tube clamp.. one came out with a little heat the other came out with 1/2 of the threads on the bolt. So not having the part and no time I got some 5mm Alan head bolts and put a nut on the half stripped one on the bottom... I will order the part and next time I'm in there I will change the clamp. I also changed the thermosters...all done nice and cold again..

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 Thanks given by: fargonaz

Messages In This Thread
Expansion valve nightmare - earnies2 - 08-07-2019

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