Fuel Pump Leak
12-13-2019, (Subject: Fuel Pump Leak ) 
Post: #9
RE: Fuel Pump Leak
Update, so I took the Trk to the dealer because I was curious what kind of estimate I would get. I got an estimate of approx. $1500, unbelievable, they said the entire ifsm needed to come off and be resealed. Obviously I refused to pay that so I found the leak myself and it was the fuel shutoff valve leaking. I purchased a new valve from cummins, approx. $100 with new orings, replaced it (about 30mins of work) and leak is gone. These dealers are completely ridiculous. How they take advantage of us drivers is sad. Thank all you guys for your input and giving me the courage to rectify this problem myself and save me a shi#t load of cash.
 Thanks given by: Rawze , Andre_The_Giant

Messages In This Thread
Fuel Pump Leak - rapidisimo - 11-25-2019,
RE: Fuel Pump Leak - rapidisimo - 12-13-2019
RE: Fuel Pump Leak - Mattman - 12-13-2019,

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