Fan belt broke
11-25-2020, (Subject: Fan belt broke ) 
Post: #1
Fan belt broke
Need some help here guys.. I have a 2011 Pete isx15 2250 .. was driving home yesterday and all of a sudden my truck started smoking and my fan belt broke off.. I replaced it today and started the truck and the truck makes a rattling noise every now and than.. almost sounds like there’s something is loose on the passenger side of the engine.. when I turn the truck off I hear that rattle noise like something is loose.. head scratcher for me can anyone help me out..

Messages In This Thread
Fan belt broke - Ballerxl - 11-25-2020
RE: Fan belt broke - Mattman - 11-25-2020,
RE: Fan belt broke - marek4792 - 11-25-2020,
RE: Fan belt broke - Ballerxl - 11-25-2020,
RE: Fan belt broke - Ballerxl - 11-25-2020,
RE: Fan belt broke - marek4792 - 11-26-2020,
RE: Fan belt broke - Waterloo - 11-26-2020,
RE: Fan belt broke - Ballerxl - 11-26-2020,
RE: Fan belt broke - Rawze - 11-26-2020,
RE: Fan belt broke - Ballerxl - 11-26-2020,

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