Wipers Won’t Shut Off
05-26-2021, (Subject: Wipers Won’t Shut Off ) 
Post: #5
RE: Wipers Won’t Shut Off
Just to add to this....sometimes as the wiper motor wears it can begin to have a 'home point' issue and will continue to run. Basically the motor will pass up the 'resting point' and begin to cycle again until it finds it (this process will repeat over an over thus the wipers will seemingly never turn off or perhaps stop mid stroke). I've dealt with this a few times and the solution was a new wiper motor.

If the problem still persists after you try the what has already been recommended, maybe try a new wiper motor.
 Thanks given by: Rawze

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RE: Wipers Won’t Shut Off - SquareOne - 05-26-2021

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