06-18-2021, (Subject: Headlights ) 
Post: #2
RE: Headlights
That is probably Daytime Running Lights (DRL). Those are controlled by the Body Control Module (BCM) INSITE is a engine only program. You need the Diamond Logic Builder (DLB) software to make changes. Annual subscription of about $648.00. Not really worth it. If you can find a competent stealership should be way less than that for them to turn it off.

DRL run at about 1/3 to 1/2 the power of night setting. Any particular reason you want them off? DRL is considred a safety feature although not mandatory. Post your VIN and I can probably get you the parameter/setting #.

Messages In This Thread
Headlights - PuroCumminsPower - 06-18-2021,
RE: Headlights - DVT873 - 06-18-2021

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