05 cummins 04 build date advise
07-11-2021, (Subject: 05 cummins 04 build date advise ) 
Post: #6
RE: 05 cummins 04 build date advise
Not trying to be a smart ass here or sound like a Democrat but if your buying it to pull a toy hauler rv around the US as you say then you have enough money to deal with whatever comes. If the truck was maintained as meticulously as you say what are you so worried about? And yes new trucks suck and old trucks suck that is a very true statement.
If I were you I would drive it down to Georgia and have Haggai look it over top to bottom.
 Thanks given by: Rawze

Messages In This Thread
RE: 05 cummins 04 build date advise - tree98 - 07-11-2021

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