Sales Tax
07-23-2021, (Subject: Sales Tax ) 
Post: #12
RE: Sales Tax
Tree98, you'll have to do some research. There are plenty of states that have sales tax exempt status for all kinds of things if not down right everything used in the operation of transportation. It all depends on the state and the way the MC# is set up.

Next you'll be saying there is no benefit for operations in certain states to register their commercial trailer in another state. Mine is registered in Maine and it'll be that way as long as my base of operations is in Pennsylvania.
 Thanks given by: tree98 , Rawze

Messages In This Thread
Sales Tax - Explosia - 07-21-2021,
RE: Sales Tax - Chamberpains - 07-21-2021,
RE: Sales Tax - Explosia - 07-21-2021,
RE: Sales Tax - Nilao - 07-21-2021,
RE: Sales Tax - Explosia - 07-21-2021,
RE: Sales Tax - Nilao - 07-21-2021,
RE: Sales Tax - Explosia - 07-22-2021,
RE: Sales Tax - tree98 - 07-22-2021,
RE: Sales Tax - Explosia - 07-22-2021,
RE: Sales Tax - tree98 - 07-22-2021,
RE: Sales Tax - Explosia - 07-22-2021,
RE: Sales Tax - Chamberpains - 07-23-2021
RE: Sales Tax - tree98 - 07-23-2021,
RE: Sales Tax - JimT - 07-23-2021,
RE: Sales Tax - Explosia - 07-25-2021,

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