Flashing green fan ovrd switch
07-29-2021, (Subject: Flashing green fan ovrd switch ) 
Post: #10
RE: Flashing green fan ovrd switch
That looks like a fast blink. That is an error indicator. The only way to get a clue is to get the codes out of the dash. Look around here or on You Tube for how to do that. SA stands for source address. 00 is engine, 33 is the Body Controller/Computer. Once you have the code or codes post it here and take a look a Google. HTH

BTW does the fan work work. You should be able to check with air pressure up and the engine OFF!!!!. Key Off the fan should be locked up. Key ON it should turn. With the engine OFF!!!!
 Thanks given by: JimT

Messages In This Thread
RE: Flashing green fan ovrd switch - DVT873 - 07-29-2021

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