Prostar Body Controller
03-07-2022, (Subject: Prostar Body Controller ) 
Post: #13
RE: Prostar Body Controller
Well I tried that yesterday but I was wrong. It still didn't work no matter what I did. Today I pulled the Body Controller & ABS controller and soaked all the connections in white vinegar mixed with salt & water for 15 minutes, then scrubbed them with an old tooth brush, then rinsed them again in the solution, then I soaked them in water & Bicarbonate of Soda and rinsed them in it and then blew them out with a cleaning air gun & my little compressor. They came up really good. I then cleaned the controllers connections and thought I will pull this Body Controller apart again. This time I took a really good look at it. Well it has been water damaged, you can see the path of the water and dirt. I am going to clean it with a PCB cleaner and brush, then repair a broken copper circuit and coat it in lacquer. I will then test the circuits and if it OK I will reinstall it and see how I go. The water damage had been there for some time and it looks as if it was a fair bit of water too. So that lovely Prostar sun visor centre bolt where I found the leak had been performing up to its standards.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Prostar Body Controller - kenno2s - 03-07-2022

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