cm870 ISX Turbo Screech Monroe/Charlote, NC
04-07-2023, (Subject: cm870 ISX Turbo Screech Monroe/Charlote, NC ) 
Post: #1
cm870 ISX Turbo Screech Monroe/Charlote, NC
Hello group. I've tried attaching the video, mov file, but, " The type of file that you attached is not allowed. Please remove the attachment or choose a different type"

which files are supported? - as that might help a little to have a video.

I have a turbo that started to screech after truck was idling overnight. I can move the VG crank up, with pry bar, a little, when idling, and the screech goes away. It also only makes the noice when at operating temp's. It makes the noice when idling or driving, after motor warms up to operating temp.

Any of you guys know anyone that you can recommend in that area that can look at it and/or have the proper software with hardware for remote diagnosis? all the help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Video's are in the Facebook group as well, if you can view them for reference:

Messages In This Thread
cm870 ISX Turbo Screech Monroe/Charlote, NC - Magnum1 - 04-07-2023

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