cm870 ISX Turbo Screech Monroe/Charlote, NC
04-09-2023, (Subject: cm870 ISX Turbo Screech Monroe/Charlote, NC ) 
Post: #11
RE: cm870 ISX Turbo Screech Monroe/Charlote, NC
(04-08-2023 )Magnum1 Wrote:  ... it'll have stationary turbo.

Removing the Vg turbo and putting a fixed type turbo is one of the worst things that someone can do to an ISX. It is the very device that sets the proper fuel-air-mix, is responsible for a large portion of the engines efficiency, and is used to help properly keep in check, the internal engine friction, which directly effects engine lifespan by a lot.

Removing it significantly shortens the engine life, causes lower than normal fuel miles by thousands of dollars a year. -== there is no gain whatsoever in putting a garbage fixed-vein turbo on it and costs more in fuel mileage losses each year than simply replacing the VG if it is bad.

Also.. like I mentioned already, the screeching IN ALL OF THOSE VIDEOS ... is the gasket(s) causing the screeching and not the turbo itself.

DO A TURBINE INSPECTION. Remove the boot off the cold side, Check that it spins freely, has no in/out play, and check the side-play of the turbine with your fingers. It should have about 0.045" of side-play max (a very tiny amount but usually not zero) .. and if it were loose enough to actually cause that kind of noise, then it would be pouring oil out of it too.

As far as screeching goes ... Simply put .. If the turbo positioning is set to a higher position then higher pressures are driven thru the turbo. If it screeches .. then it is simply revealing that there is a mounting (or exhaust manifold) gasket issue. -= The Screeching itself IS ALMOST ALWAYS,.. 95% OR MORE --- NOT THE TURBO!.

(back to your comment about removing the VG permanently)...
- Seems you are not listening to anyone on here. -== seems you are also drinking the cool-aide from some seriously ignorant people somewhere who are bunch of complete idiots if they are suggesting you remove the VG and replace it with something far less efficient that will also contribute towards shortened engine life.

This last post of yours also brings into question that maybe you already have a delete program in the engine too. If so, then you need to also start assuming that the program is bad as until you get it reviewed properly. More than 90%+ of all delete programming for the ISX engines is absolutely horrible and significantly shortens engine life .. causes dropped liners, head gasket failures, and/or turbo problems, and all sorts of other component life-shortening issues.

If you in fact do have a delete program in it then the next move is to copy the program out of the ecm and e-mail it to me for a proper review of what someone did in there. See what is good, bad, or downright harmful to the engine. It is absolutely nothing to take for granted at all.


AND replace the squealing gaskets + have the manifold removed, re-surfaced, filed flat, etc. where necessary etc. so that it will not leak again while you are at it too!> instead of assuming it is the turbo itself.

how does the saying go ?/... "you can lead the horse to water ..."?

User's Signature: ->: What I post is just my own thoughts and Opinions! --- I AM Full Of S__T!.
 Thanks given by: Bengy88 , ktblogistics

Messages In This Thread
RE: cm870 ISX Turbo Screech Monroe/Charlote, NC - Rawze - 04-09-2023

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