Power Steering Noise
08-25-2023, (Subject: Power Steering Noise ) 
Post: #4
RE: Power Steering Noise
Thanks for that info Rawze. Probably wouldn't have considered rebuilding it before, but that was good reasoning.

Based on a couple old posts i found on here I'm thinking it could be the relief valve in the power steering pump. It works normal, no noise at idle. Turns nice and smooth. But with the RPM's up around 1500 the pump is plenty noisy when I turn the wheel. Also after my first post I started to notice on tight turns in the parking lot that it the noise wound persist but the power steering assist would come and go. Half way through turning the wheel it would almost feel like it got stuck for a second. Again, only at higher RPM's. Try the same turns near idle and it's all smooth still.

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Messages In This Thread
Power Steering Noise - JimT - 08-25-2023,
RE: Power Steering Noise - JimT - 08-25-2023

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