Twin cam isx 870
02-25-2024, (Subject: Twin cam isx 870 ) 
Post: #3
RE: Twin cam isx 870
I have seen it go to 33 but then comes back to 30 and holds and maybe I have that worded wrong maybe I should have said it’s mandate and I’m not sure on who or how I know my local shop has had a computer on it and in the computer it says that’s what it is at

Messages In This Thread
Twin cam isx 870 - Harlan - 02-25-2024,
RE: Twin cam isx 870 - tree98 - 02-25-2024,
RE: Twin cam isx 870 - Harlan - 02-25-2024
RE: Twin cam isx 870 - Rawze - 02-25-2024,

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