03-03-2024, (Subject: A BAD DELETE? ) 
Post: #27
(03-03-2024 )Andrey123 Wrote:  thank you for instruction on how to upload and download xcal files .
i successfully uploaded xcal using calterm. now i need to download clean factory
incal because my original xcal is complete garage .
can some one help me with instruction how to download incal in to the calterm
i tried but with no success. it takes xcal ok but not incal .
thank you very much your your time and support [/size]

BEFORE STARTING: ALWAYS Make a backup of the file (using Calt$erm) that is already in there so that if anything goes wrong, or if a setting for the vehicle gets lost, someone can recover it. It is mentioned here in more detail: https://rawze.com/forums/showthread.php?...2#pid68742

After making a backup, u have a few choices...

(using Insite alone)...
== Flash a factory file in by using the newest version of Insite + the proper incal file for your truck/engine according to its ser#. Insite has to be the absolute latest version, and the calibration file also needs to be less than 6 months old whenever using Insite... which kinda sucks to do it this way.
All incal files can be found on the red engine makers website for free. It is a collection of DVD disks ... Just google search for 'Incal disks'.


(using a nearby OEM stealers#it)...
== Take ECM off of the engine and down to a local stealers$it to have them flash it with latest software for your truck/engine + backup/restore all truck settings while they are at it. This usually costs a few hundred bucks.


(Using a combination of Insite and Calt@erm together to circumvent the expiration crap) ...

After ensuring you have a proper backup of what is already in there...

A)> Using whatever version of Insite that you do have ... make a Work Order.. and then convert that work order into an ECM TEMPLATE!!>>> you need BOTH!!! .. the ecm template is more important actually.

B)> Unzip the proper blank factory incal file according to your engine ser# ... (using 7-zip from 7zip-org >> they are compressed and passworded). It has to be decompressed for Calt#erm to be able to use it.

C)> The new factory file can now be flased into the ecm (the unzipped incal file) via the Cal#term software. All vehicle settings will be lost after this point. This is because incal files from the engine maker do not contain ANY vehicle specific settings like engine brake and other buttons/signals coming from the vehicle, dash, etc. .. hence the need for making the the ECM template backup in Insite before starting.

D)> After the new file is flashed back in .. The the vehicle settings (the ecm template that was made earlier) needs to be restored back to the engine, via the Insite software.


In all cases after a fresh re-flash of a new factory file ... run/idle the vehicle and do not touch anything for at least 10 minutes after a factory file is flashed into the ecm. This is because it will take about 8 minutes to do stuffs in the background upon first flashing it to clean up the memory, balance and collect initial data for the the engine,etc.

E)> After that initial 10 mins of run time + all vehicle settings restored, etc.. ... , if a new backup is needed, or the program needs editing, the clean file can now be safely backed up again properly using the CT software.

If custom programming needs to be done ... copying the clean program out so that it can be edited/changed, etc.
ref: http://rawze.com/forums/showthread.php?t...5#pid72945

ecm re-flash, ecm reflash, restore factory file, flashing with CT, flash ecm with Calterm, use Calterm to flash incal, incal flash with CT, Insite workaround, Incal file flashing, Flashing Incal Files

User's Signature: ->: What I post is just my own thoughts and Opinions! --- I AM Full Of S__T!.
 Thanks given by: Andrey123

Messages In This Thread
A BAD DELETE? - armana87 - 06-02-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - tree98 - 06-03-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - Rawze - 06-03-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - kozakvod - 06-03-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - Lead_sled - 06-05-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - Waterloo - 06-05-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - tree98 - 06-05-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - armana87 - 06-09-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - JimT - 06-09-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - RollinCoal - 06-16-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - Rawze - 06-16-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - RollinCoal - 06-16-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - Jay - 09-08-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - Rawze - 09-08-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - Rawze - 10-05-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - Jay - 11-10-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - Rawze - 11-11-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - Lonestar10 - 09-08-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - Rawze - 09-08-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - fnr12 - 09-17-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - schISM - 09-17-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - fnr12 - 09-17-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - fnr12 - 09-18-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - tree98 - 09-18-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - RollinCoal - 10-05-2021,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - Andrey123 - 03-03-2024,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - Rawze - 03-03-2024
RE: A BAD DELETE? - Rawze - 04-24-2024,
RE: A BAD DELETE? - JimT - 04-24-2024,

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