CUMMINS ISL CM2150 cranks sensor relearn?? Complete power loss & stalls
04-20-2024, (Subject: CUMMINS ISL CM2150 cranks sensor relearn?? Complete power loss & stalls ) 
Post: #3
RE: CUMMINS ISL CM2150 cranks sensor relearn?? Complete power loss & stalls
I found the issue causing the engine to shut off intermittently. Corroded ECU pins on the OEM plug. The corroded pins affected the can bus communication and the 5 volt supply for the drive by wire throttle pedal. I hope this helps anyone in the future with a similar fault.
 Thanks given by: Rawze , hookliftpete , JimT

Messages In This Thread
RE: CUMMINS ISL CM2150 cranks sensor relearn?? Complete power loss & stalls - Asemastertech - 04-20-2024

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