What makes cm870 ecm so finicky compared to cm 871
12-26-2024, (Subject: What makes cm870 ecm so finicky compared to cm 871 ) 
Post: #1
What makes cm870 ecm so finicky compared to cm 871
I’m curious what the actual difference is between the two ecms? Why does the files corrupt when pulled out of 870 ecm. Why does 871 ecm seem to be so much tougher? Is it just software or are there actually hard parts that are better? Could a guy with a 870 run an 871 ecm even though the 870 is air actuated and 871 is electrically actuated vgt? Just curious I have an 870 and have been learning about it and I am super interested in these things. I want to learn more.

Messages In This Thread
What makes cm870 ecm so finicky compared to cm 871 - Upnorth83 - 12-26-2024

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