300 amps alternator Prostar Cummins ISX
12-27-2024, (Subject: 300 amps alternator Prostar Cummins ISX ) 
Post: #1
300 amps alternator Prostar Cummins ISX
I have a 2016 Prostar with Cummins ISX, 8 batteries, 4 for the truck and 4 for EPU unit. The truck has a 300 amps Delco Remy alternator, part # 8600414.
There is was a noise when starting the truck and when pressing the acceleration pedal. I took the belts off, inspected the pulleys and tensioners and discovered there is a small play in the alternator bearings. The new alternator is around $2000 and I cannot find any places to rebuild it.
Is it ok to install a 200 amps alternator, part 8600314, I do have a spare one.
Did somebody installed a lower amps alternator?
Thank you.

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300 amps alternator Prostar Cummins ISX - ian2021 - 12-27-2024

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