Looking at a deleted x15
03-04-2025, (Subject: Looking at a deleted x15 ) 
Post: #1
Looking at a deleted x15
I am in the process of looking at/purchasing a 2019 t800 triaxle dump truck. I am new to this new of a Diesel engine. It has the Cummins x15 and said to be deleted about 2-2.5 years with no problems. All I can say about it is it has 244k miles/ 9400 hrs, it started and ran good, sounded good, about 47 psi oil pressure on cold startup, had very very little blow by after I drove it, the coolant and plastic tank looked clean and the check engine light is on. They have an employed mechanic there and they have Cummins insite. They have not had time to plug in and tell me the check engine light yet but I was planning on going back this week and looking again and going over with the mechanic and hooking to the computer. I was also planning on getting the shops number and asking what their process of deleting is since by reading I guess you can do it different ways by deleting this, blocking this, drilling this, blah blah so I just wanted to ask them. Any of your great knowledge would be appreciated thank you

Messages In This Thread
Looking at a deleted x15 - TNcoondawg - 03-04-2025

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