Cummins ISM Emissions Questions
10-27-2016, (Subject: Cummins ISM Emissions Questions ) 
Post: #3
RE: Cummins ISM Emissions Questions
i agree

If you do all your own work to your trucks ansd engines then de-mandate it and have Unilevers or Gearhead do the ECM work. If it were isx i would say rawze too but sorry rawze dont work on ism only ISX.

NOT some unkinown $3500+ mechainic with some unknown gad-awfukl copied (or some stupid fire-truck program that is bad for the engine) program or worse a big-name delete program hell bent on sending pistons through the side of the block.

Get with one of them and have it done right so that you will never have to look back and then you will be able to do all the rest of the engine and truck work yourself in the future because the ecm will only be for runing the engine and not all that emm=-=crap.

Gawd-bless America and Gawd-bless our farmers. Gawd bless this forum and the education it gives us freely so that we can make our trucks go and make deliveries too.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Cummins ISM Emissions Questions - Cuya - 10-27-2016

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