Repairing a VGT
09-03-2021, (Subject: Repairing a VGT ) 
Post: #1
Repairing a VGT
CM 2350 Has anyone repaired a turbo with a sticky arm? With the engine cold the VG arm moves freely like it is supposed to. Did a “hot” test a few days ago: Got it to operating temperature then drained the antifreeze and had the actuator off in less than fifteen minutes. The arm moved freely about 7/8s of it’s travel then a sticky spot when pushing it to the right. This could explain some of the issues I’ve had recently. Is there a way to repair this without installing a new 5K+ turbo?

Messages In This Thread
Repairing a VGT - onebadapple - 09-03-2021
RE: Repairing a VGT - Mr Hagg - 09-03-2021,

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