870 isx replacing a 871isx.
02-01-2022, (Subject: 870 isx replacing a 871isx. ) 
Post: #9
RE: 870 isx replacing a 871isx.
dam wish i had all this info when i had the engines sitting side by side on the shop floor doing the rods and mains. will i be able to use the 870 head and just swap all the 871 equipment over to it? seems a shame to take such a good running 565hp. and start ripping basic components off and replacing with troublesome electronic crap but it is what it is.will stand and look at it for a few days before i tear into it. maybe somebody will have an easier fix.

Messages In This Thread
RE: 870 isx replacing a 871isx. - herschel - 02-01-2022

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