ISX 2250 sensor problem
02-11-2024, (Subject: ISX 2250 sensor problem ) 
Post: #1
ISX 2250 sensor problem
Thanks for letting me in. I have asked numerous people about this problem. Everything was going fine I noticed that my check engine light was coming on and going off made it about 30 miles and stop engine light came on and shut me down. Turned power off and back started up and drove 50 miles back with no problems. After I got back it’s showing 435 and 1942 codes and my oil pressure gauge does not work. I’ve replaced the oil pressure sensor no good. I bought it deleted and I have a diesel laptop handheld pro and everything seems fine , manual gauge the oil pressure is fine , shows signal from the sensors. I can delete the codes and gauge works til I cycle the key a few times. Was told it might be the ecm or wiring. Thanks

Messages In This Thread
ISX 2250 sensor problem - Bigtech77 - 02-11-2024

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