Another oil pressure thread |
11-10-2018, (Subject: Another oil pressure thread ) Post: #10 | |||
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RE: Another oil pressure thread Oil pressure before and after the filter is 15psi out of the block from the oil pump to the filter and 8psi out of the filter. User's Signature: Have you checked your muffler bearings today? | |||
11-10-2018, (Subject: Another oil pressure thread ) Post: #11 | |||
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RE: Another oil pressure thread (11-10-2018 )snailexpress Wrote:(11-10-2018 )Peashooter67 Wrote: After I check the air compressor, change oil cooler, check gears in gear case with no solution I guess it get dead headed back up to Oklahoma to the dealer for warranty. From pump to oil cooler/filter is 15psi and after oil filter is 8psi... the oil goes from the pump to the oil cooler before it goes anywhere else. The pressure from the pump is at the cooler is 15 psi. So either the pump is bad “means the old pump and the new pump both had to be bad” pump shim, pick up tube or pickup tube o-ring is bad or Block has a crack. New pump “still possible it’s bad but two different pumps with same pressure “ New pick up tube Mew 0-ring Verified shims are in right so most likely oil journal between pump and oil cooler is cracked. Going to do a pressure test on this oil galley Monday. I’m hoping it will still be the pump shim but I fear it will be the block with major internal leak. User's Signature: Have you checked your muffler bearings today? | |||
11-10-2018, (Subject: Another oil pressure thread ) Post: #12 | |||
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RE: Another oil pressure thread Thank you rawz for your help in narrowing down and verifying my issues. I fear what I’ll have is a pile of new parts and a bad block...... Supposed to have 12/100,000 mile warranty on motor so if Block is cracked I will be putting it back together and driving it back to Cummins dealer where I bought it and make them replace block and if they refuse legal action and I’ll bring it back home and repower it with a pre emissions 14.7 Detroit. It’s a much better motor and this is coming from a caterpillar guy. I’d go with a cat but 6nz cats are way expensive. User's Signature: Have you checked your muffler bearings today? | |||
11-10-2018, (Subject: Another oil pressure thread ) Post: #13 | |||
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RE: Another oil pressure thread (11-10-2018 )Peashooter67 Wrote: Thank you rawz for your help in narrowing down and verifying my issues. Baah,. you could have had the same bad luck with any other used motor. Seen it plenty. User's Signature: ->: What I post is just my own thoughts and Opinions! --- I AM Full Of S__T!. | |||
11-10-2018, (Subject: Another oil pressure thread ) Post: #14 | |||
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RE: Another oil pressure thread I’ll let you know Monday or Tuesday if my fears are confirmed or not. User's Signature: Have you checked your muffler bearings today? | |||
11-11-2018, (Subject: Another oil pressure thread ) Post: #15 | |||
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RE: Another oil pressure thread In the case of oil some mysterious internal lower-than-normal oil pressure issues after an inframe or bearing replacements ( or if there is mysterious vibration issues ),... ALSO: ALL NON-OEM BEARINGS!, or if someone did not verify the bearings as they came out ... -- NEED TO PLASTIGAUGE THE ROD/MAIN BEARINGS like i mentioned above! - ESPECIALLY IF THEY NO LONGER HAVE THE ORIGINAL BEARINGS TO COMPARE PART#'S TO! I did mention this in previous post [here] above so I will elaborate... Some ISX engines came from the factory with an over-sized connecting rod and/or main bearings. This is COMPLETELY UNPREDICTABLE and was done as the engine went down the assembly line at the factory. It could have even come from factory with DIFFERENT SIZES mid-engine!. -- If the clearances on the crank were in excess, they would switch to to a larger size connecting rod (or main) bearing, over-sizing them. This is why the bearings were not supplied in the overhaul kit (in the past any ways), as some ISX can randomly have been machined to have thicker than normal crank or rod bearings. This cannot be looked up and has to be checked only as the old ones are removed by comparing part#'s and using calipers on the old ones in the places they are not worn out. It has actually been seen in the past where they will change sizes of crank or rod bearings even from one cylinder to the next, mid engine. I remember gearhead even telling me a few years back that he got an engine to inframe once that required 2 different size bearings in it mid engine. The engine may or may not vibrate, but usually always loose some oil pressure at idle once the oil is at temperature. - If it requires over-sized bearings, it will also not last very long, then eventually break the crank or spin a bearing. -- NEVER GUESS AT WHAT YOU GOT!-- MAKE SURE SOMEONE GOES BACK AND CHECKS THIS PROPERLY!. part#'s are... 4089405 - Standard size connecting rod bearing kit. 4090016 - 0.010" (0.25mm) over-sized connecting rod bearing kit. 4090017 - 0.020" (0.5 mm) over-sized connecting rod bearing kit. -- This is all assuming these bearings are "Thicker"?, for an undersized crank?. -- I have never measured, nor needed a set of them myself. This is also true of the main bearings. There are a few sizes of of main bearings for the ISX. ON RARE OCCASION they would install the over-sized bearings from the factory. Again, why the main bearings are not supplied in the overhaul kit. Again, this could even happen mid engine. 3800298 - standard size main bearing. 4089845 - 0.010" (0.25mm) over-sized main bearings. 4089846 - 0.020" (0.5 mm) over-sized main bearings. -- Again: This is all assuming these bearings are "Thicker"?, for an undersized crank?. -- I have never measured, nor needed a set of them myself. -- I mentioned plastigauging the crank on my rebuild series in this video at 7:13 ... The clearance you are looking for is between 0.002" and 0.005" on the crank and/or the rod bearings. Obviously if you come up with +0.012" (greater than 0.005" per side), or perhaps even +0.022 (greater than 0.010" per side)" you need the over-size bearings. This would DEFINITELY MAKE ONE HAVE LOW OIL PRESSURE!. -- EVERY SINGLE ONE should be checked, as it could very well be that only one or 2 may have the different size bearings in them. The ISX, although not very common, has been known to come directly from the factory where they re-machined a crank or bore to use the next size up bearing as needed to get the engine right. Another reason why the OEM under-trained gaggle of "slap-it-together and get on to the next victim mentality" morons are NOT TO BE TRUSTED!. AS TIME GOES ON, there are fewer and fewer mechanics that are properly trained on these ISX engines... it is getting pretty bad these days and only getting worse all the time. Everyone blames these engines for their problems but most always, it is some under-trained idiot that is too much in a hurry to give a damn anymore... leading to problems like this, and costing someone a fortune. User's Signature: ->: What I post is just my own thoughts and Opinions! --- I AM Full Of S__T!. | |||
11-11-2018, (Subject: Another oil pressure thread ) Post: #16 | |||
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RE: Another oil pressure thread Thank you for your sharing your knowledge and experience on this particular issue. After we pressure test the oil journal from the oilcooler down to the oilpump assuming it doesn’t leak and/or a crack isn’t found I will have him plastigauge all the rod and mains bearings. ............... User's Signature: Have you checked your muffler bearings today? | |||
11-15-2018, (Subject: Another oil pressure thread ) Post: #17 | |||
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RE: Another oil pressure thread (11-09-2018 )Rawze Wrote: Only thing that can cause oil pressure to be that low (8 psi) that I can think of it that it is likely internally homoraging oil badly somewhere. That or the oil filter is plugged up? Rawze sir Oil journal pressure tests are done. Good news........ no cracks... Doing plastigauge on rod and mains this week. Sir Is the creances on both rod and main bearings .002-.003? | |||
11-15-2018, (Subject: Another oil pressure thread ) Post: #18 | |||
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RE: Another oil pressure thread (11-15-2018 )Peashooter67 Wrote: Rawze sir I think its 0.002" - 0.005", not sure these days. Also, has anyone checked the rockers + rocker shafts and injector rockers + injector shafts? to make sure they are all in spec? -- excess clearances there will cause low oil pressure too. Could also be a engine brake solenoid hemoraging oil badly too. Just some more thoughts on it. Hopefully it will be something stupid simple that god missed during the inframe. For all you know, there may be a bearing missing int the new head somewhere. Seen that too. User's Signature: ->: What I post is just my own thoughts and Opinions! --- I AM Full Of S__T!. | |||
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