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Full Version: Havig a bad day. CM2350 fuel pump failure.
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Thanks for that breakdown Hammer, very informative! And the guys you work with will not listen to you, eh? Unreal.

And so true on these motor designations and dealers, I can tell them I have an 2008 ISX CM-871 when hunting for parts, and I can hear their eyes glaze over over the phone. Rather funny sound... ;-)
Ok.. I haven't gotten in to the xpi pump yet, but I was thinking, there's a drain from the pump that runs into the block? Right? Why couldn't a person tap said drain run a pipe plug down in it, then drill from outside the block back into drain channel, tap that hole and use an fitting or something to another filter, and drain back to the pan.. Or something similar.. That way should the pump explode its caught externally before going into the oil pan.. Or am I completely over thinking this? I think if it could be done it would be of great benefit to all 2250/2350/x owners...
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