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(06-20-2021 )snailexpress Wrote: [ -> ]If you are close to SLC I have air cooled diesel generator 4 kw sitting in my garage.
I rarely run through Utah or Colorado. How has it held up? Where did you learn to assemble all the parts? I don't need much, I only need one to run a small A/C.
Why not get a carrier apu. Its a 2 cyl kubota diesel with a 6kw generator and an electric ac inside
(06-21-2021 )smorgan87 Wrote: [ -> ]Why not get a carrier apu. Its a 2 cyl kubota diesel with a 6kw generator and an electric ac inside
It was in my plan but Carrier little bit too wide to fit my frame between fuel tank and DPF. No big deal you would say? Fuel tank will be out of front tank bracket. Everything have to be stripped down to drill new holes on the frame. Not something I can do myself.
TRI-PAK hands down.... carriers break down to much for my taste
(06-21-2021 )RollinCoal Wrote: [ -> ]TRI-PAK hands down.... carriers break down to much for my taste
Each has own problems but all problems related to stupid control engineering, engines are almost identical and bulletproof.
Carrier easy to convert in to "military" style, reliability first generator.
What about cost? Those big brand APU's usually come with some big price tags. Friend of mine was quoted over $10k installed on his truck. I think it was carrier.

I've been trying (on and off) to find a small diesel generator (3-5kw max) for my truck for a couple years, with no solid leads. The Kubota seemed promising but haven't been able to find one online and not sure where else to look. Mainly just don't want to carry another fuel source around with me, otherwise I'd grab a cheap gasser.
(06-21-2021 )JimT Wrote: [ -> ]What about cost? Those big brand APU's usually come with some big price tags. Friend of mine was quoted over $10k installed on his truck. I think it was carrier.

I've been trying (on and off) to find a small diesel generator (3-5kw max) for my truck for a couple years, with no solid leads. The Kubota seemed promising but haven't been able to find one online and not sure where else to look. Mainly just don't want to carry another fuel source around with me, otherwise I'd grab a cheap gasser.
Just for you Jim
Genset controller - $ 100.00
Wires, relay box, $ 100.00
AC unit depends what you want $200.00 - 600.00
New belts, oil filter, paint $ 200.00
some other small things $200.00
In worst case you are about $ 2000.00
I ran a tri-pack for more than a million miles. - I can say with full confidence that it is an expense, flat out. Take this statement from a hyper-miler who is all about saving fuel. - From now on, I simply idle the truck when I want power to run things. It is cheaper than the long term care and constant servicing of that tri-pack unit, and the fuel differences do not make up for those costs.

The fuel savings of those tri-packs vs. a well tuned ISX engine with a 320-amp alternator and couple extra batteries idling at 800 rpm just don't add up over the long haul. This considering that the engine can be tweaked to idle at only about 12-15 mg/stroke via some custom programming. When engine is set this way, it competes with any apu and the cost is cheaper in the end to simply run the ISX.

That is my experience with it .. My apu now lives at a junk yard somewhere and I will not install another one. It was nice to have but in all reality, having the ISX idle set at a proper 800 rpm (because 600-rpm is too low for an ISX to idle at) and big alternator, is cheaper in the long run to operate.
IMO the only way they pay for themselves is if you manage to find a salvage one for a good price, can rebuild it yourself if need be and maintain it yourself for its lifetime and thats considering you currently idle 10-12 hrs plus shipping and rcvng wait time.
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