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Full Version: MaxxForce calibration
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Is there any Maxxforce people in here that are capable of reprogramming the ECM once it's demandated? I've got a small fleet of trucks that is wanting me to take care of their problems but I'll need someone's expertise to do the programming. This should be a fairly lucrative venture for everyone involved if I can make this happen. If no one on this site has the capability to do it, maybe they have a suggestion on who I can talk with to get this deal done. Thank you for any leads or suggestions.
Gearhead does proper adjustments on them but even he says people should get rid of those trucks with maxfart engines as soon as possible!> Complete garbage of an engine!

Tell that fleet to get rid of them and invest in something that is not complete junk!. they are wasting their time. Believe me when I say you don't want their buisless, you will become married to that nightmare of failed engine technology.
Thank you for the reply Rawze!
That has been explained to them as I'm not a fan of them either. It's what they currently run and if I can make them a little more reliable while they have them, maybe they can afford a real truck and engine one day.
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