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Full Version: vibration damper thoughts
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Well it took forever for this paint to dry properly I should have done this in the summer it’s never fun painting and working in the cold wet months.
This dang plate and pulley doesn’t want to come off any tricks ?
I'd get the fan, clutch and shroud out of the way. If I remember Rawze had to remove his front end and put a 3 ton hydraulic puller in his before it'd budge.
The fan and the shroud is gone well the top half of the shroud I left the bottom in but I got the plate and the pulley off now the end of that cam shaft is just so rusted and it looks like they just painted it while it was on so the paint was all glued together but now I am onto the vibration Damper I sure hope I don’t have to tear down the truck anymore I have a lot of room here and I covered the inside of the radiator with my privacy curtains that I didn’t use anymore to protect it from me
Almost done 3 hours into this now i’ve learned that I am the slowest mechanic on earth and could never do this for a living on other people stuff
Almost done 3 hours into this now i’ve learned that I am the slowest mechanic on earth and could never do this for a living on other people stuff
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