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ISX 525 in motorhome - Printable Version

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ISX 525 in motorhome - Bobbz_329 - 11-17-2023

I am looking at buying a 44' motorhome with the 525 isx it is a 2007 with 48k on it still waiting on the guy to give me engine hours and picture of the engine tag but it should be an 06 engine CM870 I believe. On another forum there are people referring to Cummins TSB150130 valve Chordal malfunction. What I'm wondering is how big of a risk is it to run it as is or should i be looking at replacing the head with the updated one asap. If I scope it and the valves look ok could corrective tuning for a motorhome make this a non issue? it seems like from what I've read EGR is leaving acid on the valves and due to a motorhome sitting a lot more than a truck getting worked weekly if not daily it eventually damages the valve. Anyways this seems like the place with the most knowledge of these engines so thank you for the help in advance.

RE: ISX 525 in motorhome - tree98 - 11-17-2023

Related thread........ https://rawze.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=6846

RE: ISX 525 in motorhome - Bobbz_329 - 11-17-2023

That was good information thank you. I guess maybe it is just a motor home problem or maybe just an over reaction on the other forum. If I do buy it obviously I want to prevent this in any way possible.

RE: ISX 525 in motorhome - tree98 - 11-17-2023

(11-17-2023 )Bobbz_329 Wrote:  That was good information thank you. I guess maybe it is just a motor home problem or maybe just an over reaction on the other forum. If I do buy it obviously I want to prevent this in any way possible.

If it were me I would pull the head and the oil pan off to get a look the condition of the internals. Probably replace anything corroded up from sitting while I was at it.

One of the biggest problems with these RV's is the engine is so confined and just doesn't get cooled properly. I think the best solution to this would be turning the power down substantially(425 hp) and demandate it to keep heat at a minimum, ISX's do NOT like to get hot.

Also don't let it sit for extended periods of time without getting it up to operating temp for an hour or 2 to keep things lubed and to boil the condensation out of the oil. That's my 2 cents worth.

RE: ISX 525 in motorhome - Rawze - 11-18-2023

CM870's in highway trucks have never really had this as an issue. -- It is mostly an application problem due to how people with motor-coaches treat, neglect, and abuse their engines... so if your worried about it then DON'T ABUSE, TORTURE, AND NEGLECT THE ENGINE / VEHICLE, like the typical motor home idiots do!!!.

(the 'beer is talkin' rant .. not directed towards anyone in particular, just generalizing)...

Seems that most of the idiots that I have seen with M-coaches do nothing but brag about how much of a ding-dong power they had their engine turned up into oblivion and shove garbage-can, big-name delete programs in so they can go up every hill at 70+ and 80+ mph.. and then wonder why the engine fails. God forbid they might have to down-shift and pull the hill properly like the engine and drive train was designed to do with those kinds of weights ... god forbid someone might have to actually drive the thing right and not neglect and abuse the h#ell out of it!>

I see these same damned morons with a car towed behind the damn big things + behind that, a camper trailer, + behind that, .. and a boat, + behind that, and a jet-ski trailer.. all over the damn roads like complete morons, and trying to scream down the highways at 85+ MPH, treating it like its an over-sized sports car, and them wondering why no one likes these idiots who are extremely dangerous + torturing every bit of that engine and drive train.

- Personally, I think all motor homes with anything more than about 350HP, + has a trailer behind it, should require a damn CDL license + have to go thru the scale houses for safety inspections to even drive them.

This place is NOT friendly to people with motor coaches or pick-up trucks because this place does not tolerate ppl who only want to abuse and neglect what they have like fools, and then blame the problems on everything but what they have done.

I would much sooner run someone off of here than to argue about it... and its just lie 'tree98' said.. confined spaces with inadequate cooling, + some idiot who wants to turn up the thing as high as hp as it can go + drive it 70+ mph everywhere torturing it .. and/or they shove any kind of 90% likely bad delete program in it to boot (making things worse) ... THAT is the problem in a nut-shell.