No start cm 870
07-30-2023, (Subject: No start cm 870 ) 
Post: #2
RE: No start cm 870
Not sure the similarities between the 870 and 871 on failures, but when my 871 ECM went, there was no warning, and even after cooling off, I was lucky to get it to run for 30 seconds before it died again.

I'd double check your fuses on the power to ECM for corrosion on the blades, and if you have a way check pins at your diag. port to make sure there's not a wiring issue between the cab and ECM, but the symptoms do point to the ECM with having both a lost power code and not being able to communicate. If it was just the fuel pump, you should be able to connect and see PSI >100 while cranking, and should also see oil pressure when cranking.

It's an out there idea, but could a shorted fuel cutoff solenoid cause these issues, or is there a fuse between it and the ECM?

Messages In This Thread
No start cm 870 - Ron1 - 07-30-2023,
RE: No start cm 870 - Nostalgic - 07-30-2023
RE: No start cm 870 - Ron1 - 07-30-2023,
RE: No start cm 870 - Rawze - 07-31-2023,
RE: No start cm 870 - Ron1 - 08-02-2023,
RE: No start cm 870 - Rawze - 08-03-2023,

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