Bad deleted ?
11-17-2023, (Subject: Bad deleted ? ) 
Post: #1
Tongue Bad deleted ?
I did the delete on my truck, it ran fine for 2 days with no problems, then I woke up, I turned on the truck and at idle it accelerated on its own and you could hear the sound of the turbo, when trying to accelerate the truck it seemed to choke and suddenly it worked normally for 1 second and then it was back to the same thing! Is a Cummins X15 cm2350A

Messages In This Thread
Bad deleted ? - AVMB - 11-17-2023
RE: Bad deleted ? - Bengy88 - 11-17-2023,
RE: Bad deleted ? - AVMB - 11-18-2023,
RE: Bad deleted ? - Rawze - 11-18-2023,
RE: Bad deleted ? - Bengy88 - 11-18-2023,
RE: Bad deleted ? - AVMB - 11-18-2023,

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