What’s the saying? No good deed goes unpunished!
06-27-2020, (Subject: What’s the saying? No good deed goes unpunished! ) 
Post: #10
RE: What’s the saying? No good deed goes unpunished!
Rawze: I did not do a good job of explaining the situation in my first post. Let me try again: The older couple that owns the truck, older as in he is 78 and she is 76, bought it in 2010 with 413,000. It has long since been paid off, so there is no finance company or bank involved. They actually did an incredible job keeping it going while they were trucking. The man was a very good mechanic and owner/operator before he got sick and just couldn't do it any more. The truck never wanted for anything. He was the kind of guy that was either driving it, wrenching it, or polishing it, and it definitely showed. Like many of us the truck was his job and his hobby as there was not time for much else. He did such a good job taking care of it in-fact, that it went 1.2 million being fully mandated before it was inframed and was still running fine at that point. He said his secret was frequent EGR tune ups and replacing (not cleaning) the DPF every 150-200K as a maintenance practice, which he did like clockwork to the best of my knowledge. The truck and matching trailer were beautiful even at 1.2 million when he got sick and they started trying to sell it. They were asking a high price for it, IMHO, so it stayed on the market for a long time, degrading as it sat not being constantly "loved on" and then one of their "friends" suggested to them that no one was buying it because they were scared of its mileage. They were told if they spent the money to inframe it, it would surely sell for what they were asking.

Whether from ignorance of the situation or maybe not thinking clearly because of all that was going with the sickness, dr appts.,medical bills..etc., they saw the logic in dumping a bunch more money into it to sell it, instead of letting it go cheaper like it was.

Then came the two f$cksticks that destroyed it and handed it back, and the handfull of shops said f$cksticks tried to have cobble it back together.

Now we are here. I told them what I would do was put it back together and sell it on the auction block for whatever it would bring, however it isn't my truck or decision. The other options my brother offered them were demandate or try to restore the emissions and get it running good enough to sell, either way them buying the parts and us donating our labor on an "as we have time basis", (remember these are long time friends of his).

I think at this point they are leaning toward demandate. What happens after that is out of my or my brother's control....

User's Signature: Anti-seize EVERYTHING, Except injectors...Use Petroleum Jelly!!!
 Thanks given by: Rawze
06-27-2020, (Subject: What’s the saying? No good deed goes unpunished! ) 
Post: #11
RE: What’s the saying? No good deed goes unpunished!
Nostalgic: I don't know about as is money. I feel they are dead set on getting it in shape and getting the best money they can. I will have my brother ask next time he talks to the lady and see if she has any interest. Then I'll let you know.

User's Signature: Anti-seize EVERYTHING, Except injectors...Use Petroleum Jelly!!!
 Thanks given by: Nostalgic
06-27-2020, (Subject: What’s the saying? No good deed goes unpunished! ) 
Post: #12
RE: What’s the saying? No good deed goes unpunished!
It is a good motor, strong too... That is what I have under the hood strapped to an Eaton 18 speed... Love mine, especially after spending half a year at Rawze's rebuilding it in his driveway... ;-)
 Thanks given by: JMBT
06-27-2020, (Subject: What’s the saying? No good deed goes unpunished! ) 
Post: #13
RE: What’s the saying? No good deed goes unpunished!
(06-27-2020 )JMBT Wrote:  Thanks for clarifying ...

I think at this point they are leaning toward demandate. What happens after that is out of my or my brother's control....

If they own it outright then certainly if you are helping them, then whatever you can do for the truck is is between you & them.. if they want it de-mandated and your able to give em that (assuming it is an a country where that stuff is legal).. then go for it.

was just trying to point out to avoid a bigger headache for them if the title was in some financial companies name.

still what I said about them self-financing(actually renting) it... I think is still a mistake that they made all along ... good friend or not ... That is exactly what makes good friends into dire enemies.

If they are asking too much for it vs. its book / list value based on what it would fetch ... Just because they took good care of it? -- That is a pipe dream too. <- If it was that good to them, then they should sell it for what it would actually go for and let the next person get the deal of the century on it, is all I can say. - They otherwise are still perpetuating their headaches if they are going to try to put someone else in it again for payments.

User's Signature: ->: What I post is just my own thoughts and Opinions! --- I AM Full Of S__T!.
 Thanks given by: Nostalgic , JMBT
06-27-2020, (Subject: What’s the saying? No good deed goes unpunished! ) 
Post: #14
RE: What’s the saying? No good deed goes unpunished!
(06-27-2020 )JMBT Wrote:  Nostalgic: I don't know about as is money. I feel they are dead set on getting it in shape and getting the best money they can.

Honestly they are not in a position to do that. It's just greed at some point.
06-27-2020, (Subject: What’s the saying? No good deed goes unpunished! ) 
Post: #15
RE: What’s the saying? No good deed goes unpunished!
My own truck is extremely well looked after. I also have video on exactly how the enigne was rebuilt, and i think there are about 1000+ people that would agree that I take really good care of my equipment.

Hypothetically, if I were selling it (just using mine as an example) .... This still does not give me the right to ask a lot more for it to the general unsuspecting populous, just because I know what was done to it. -- To anyone who does not know my truck, its history, or anything else .. It is unfair and I cannot expect to get more than what the typical truck of that age would fetch on the open markets. It is only that limited circle of Myself and those who may be willing to invest more than normal / know me or my ethics personally to some degree would be the only people that would be willing to even consider giving a bit more.

Being that their truck and situation likely does not have full detailed video records of an inframe and/or videos on how it was cared for, or other well established proof-of-concept factors ... It is anyone's guess as to how much more it may be worth above expected value for its age. No person in their right can be expected to take that higher-than-normal gamble. .. Even so, I would no do such a thing to even them ... instead, I would simply be choosy if I had a bunch of higher than normal offers for its purchase... But to make it that other way around up front ... and to ask a lot more for it to everyone that comes along who do not know me ... is not a reasonable thing. This is because after it is all said and done.. it would be sold "AS IS - NO WARRANTY"!!! and no one can be expected to pay more for that.

Rawze: "Value is in the eyes of the beholder and those willing to give for it --- NOT THE SELLER!"

That is the reality of what they are trying to do, and it simply does not work.

They made their money with it, just like I have made my money with mine at this point... .. They took care of it and reaped those rewards ... That is supposed to be how it is done ... But now it sounds like it is time for them to move on, auction it, sell it at list, trade it in on something else etc.. and appreciate that it was good in return while it lasted... be satisfied with that fact alone. .. whatever the case may be. That is what it sounds like to me.

User's Signature: ->: What I post is just my own thoughts and Opinions! --- I AM Full Of S__T!.
 Thanks given by: JMBT , Chamberpains , Waterloo , PuroCumminsPower
06-28-2020, (Subject: What’s the saying? No good deed goes unpunished! ) 
Post: #16
RE: What’s the saying? No good deed goes unpunished!
Rawze: I would agree. My advise from the time it got towed to my brother’s was auction it off as it was. I really wish my brother could have stopped them before they dumped all the money into it with the inframe before it was sold the first time. There is no way I would have inframed and old truck that was still running great, just to sell it. However I would also never, ever,...ever ever ever ever ever, owner finance anything! But that’s just me, I don’t trust many people. However at 78 and 76, they are from a different era, and apparently thought a persons word still meant something in this day and time. A little too trusting, a little miss guided by the “friend” who steered them toward the inframe, and I’m sure a little preoccupied with the illness issues, I think all three things are to blame.

Anyhow: thankfully, it is not my truck. I will do my part to help my brother, who is doing his part to help his friends who are in a bad situation.

User's Signature: Anti-seize EVERYTHING, Except injectors...Use Petroleum Jelly!!!
 Thanks given by: Rawze

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