Michelin XDA Energy or Bridgestone M713 drives?
04-01-2023, (Subject: Michelin XDA Energy or Bridgestone M713 drives? ) 
Post: #31
RE: Michelin XDA Energy or Bridgestone M713 drives?
Another update on the M713's...for anyone who over-analyzes every truck decision they make lol..

Just about to hit 200k and they seem to be wearing in very nicely. Surprisingly, they still have an average of 20/32nds across the drives. The last 100k miles have netted 8.65mpg. Thats through the colder months. Currently we're seeing some fairly consistent 9.0-9.2mpg with the warmer air down here in the south.

Seem to be still doing well puncture-wise, although I have a handful of Patch/Plugs throughout the 8 drives.

I did add the Centramatics about 150k ago on the drives, although I don't think they did much. Daycab Cascadia still ain't no Cadillac lol.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Michelin XDA Energy or Bridgestone M713 drives? - SquareOne - 04-01-2023

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