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Full Version: K&N air filters
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What do you guys think about washable ( reusable) air filters like k&n. Any experience and thoughts.
I don't like em so much. here is my own experience

I like the idea of a layer of grease to help catch anything that gets past the filter.

Rawze on his worst day is always thinking!
How's it go? Jumping over a Dollar to save a dime?

I ran K&N filters on my bike back in the 70's. Great air flow when they're squeaky clean.
Not something I would ever put on my truck, long term. What's your time worth?
My answer is to focus on better paying loads and the 100 other things that cost far more.

I changed the Donaldson air filter a few weeks ago, dust cloud when it hit the ground but it was still clean inside after 30k miles. Spring, Summer, Fall. Winter isn't as much a problem. $300 to protect a $35,000 engine, no brainer.
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