E-Mails by someone saying they are from dieseltek.com ...
08-01-2017, (Subject: E-Mails by someone saying they are from dieseltek.com ... ) 
Post: #1
E-Mails by someone saying they are from dieseltek.com ...
I get E-mails all the time from companies that want me to push their products in some way, either directly or indirectly. Guess their always looking for a quick-fix or a few more truck owners to dupe some money out of. I guess that is what Capitalism is all about eh?

Well here is the one from yesterday ...

representative Wrote:Hello,

Please give me a call, I would like to discuss your videos and knowledge.

{private information removed}

I looked over at their website and the typical brainwashing crap about how great their stuff is, ... {browsing} ... {browsing} ... erm,.. OH,.. Whats this --??? --- A fuel addative ?? -- hmm,.. red flag #1 for sure .. ... .. {more browsing} .. and WHA? No MSDS SHEET? -- {googling}, {googling}, {digging},.." Still no MSDS Sheet!. -- Gotta be some kind of sh%it snake oil, as I know decent companies list their product chemistry, hazards, etc in their MSDS sheets so that people can be informed about potential hazards and/or reactions when it is mixed with other substances or it gets on your skin, etc.

So I think to myself ... Their pushing and boasting yet another so-called Liquid cure --- "Snake OIL!". No MSDS or chemical listing? --- MIRACLE CURE MPG BOASTING SNAKE OIL FOR SURE! -- I Have Seen crap like that over and over!.

My reply -->

" I looked at your website. I see no official MSDS sheet listing for your (more than likely) snake oil product. Providing a link on your website along with the product would be a good place to start. I see absolutely nothing that I would even be REMOTELY interested in, nor would be willing to suggest to others. I doubt you and I would get along for more than abut 3 seconds in a phone conversation if it has anything to do with the stuff you are pushing from your website."

representative Wrote:Wow,

That is interesting from YOU that helps owner operators make their trucks run more efficient.

I have worked with Peterbilt, Kenworth, Freightliner, 7Up, Coca Cola, Speedco, Fleetpride and a tremendous amount of owner operators developing what we have determined valid results.

In a professional laboratory in California they re-manufactured a Detroit to manufactures spec, ran a Proof Of Concept test that showed a 2% increase in fuel economy across the eight mode diagnostic test and a 65% reduction in opacity.

I would guess that these real world field tests and in lab test would be of interest in discussing. Instead you want to call me "Snake Oil"???

How about you take a look at the attached information and let me know your thoughts?

You and I can agree, EGR = Soot and SOOT makes a mess of these diesel engines.

We have done our homework and I would like you to look at what we have done.

My best regards,

.pdf  Why Diesel TEK CL 8.pdf (Size: 1.48 MB / Downloads: 272)

Bunch of over-hyped bla, bla, ba,.. typical salesman mentality, push push push that product, use an out-dated engine to do your tests on, and oh, BTW, conveniently skip the part where NOx emissions went UP ehemm,.. and likely the possibility of the before and after, were before and after the repairs,.. ehemmm,.. and attempt to make the other guy (me in this case) feel bad about not being duped into all of this half-baked crap! --- ... -- That is what they do!.

How much you want to bet that if I took MY TRUCK, that runs good and is healthy (because that is far more important than any liquid cures), and dumped that crap in, would not see one iota of gains that could actually be measured!. That typical "we tested in on a f%kud up out-dated motor we re-built" crap tends to put me on the defense real fast. That is how ALL OF THEM MAKE THEIR CLAIMS!. -- Besides, I am not about to dump something into my fuel tanks that I CANNOT IDENTIFY!

I did take the time to read the document they attached, saw a lot of typical "shock and awe" crap, half truths, clever discrepancies, statements and pictures from Piss-Poor power (not a fan of them at all, or their engine destroying programmer) of failed pistons that were NOT caused by egr alone, etc. Then at the end,.. Their supposedly "Glorious" solution. It was as predictable as it gets. Shock em, overload em with scary crap, break em down into thinking their whole trucking career is over bla bla,.. Then present them with the "Miracle Cure" scenarios and data that makes them look conveniently too good to be true, because it actually is ...

I shake my head, and to be polite, My response becomes ...

"Just like I said -- Snake oil!."

representative Wrote:Hey,

Thanks, I like what you are doing.


I thought to myself,... Well... At least they were a sport about it. I was expecting them to either not respond that last time (being professional, realizing their efforts are getting them no new sales), or to perhaps try to start an argument (that is what most do, most salesmen and shady people pushing products or themselves are always looking for an argument out of peopl like me).


I decided to post my final reply, as I really don't like using my e-mail for outright discussions. That is what my forum is for. I also know that people/companies like that will all too easily take what I say out of context real fast, then claiming "this is what XXX said" and use it to continue to push their junk onto others. Another reason to put in on my forum so that the WHOLE response is shown to the public and not just part of it, so here goes ...


It is said that the biggest lie is always the one closest to the truth. The document you sent me has lots of truths taken out of context and paints this marketed "Shock and Awe" scenario of dooms-day EGR problems with your machine and products as a solution. I do not agree with that at all, as in the end it only provides a "Band-Aid" type of solution to real problems that can be completely prevented and solved through proper pro-active maintenance of newer style equipment. Of course, your document conveniently leaves that out. I am a firm believer in repairing problems at their source. The solution you push distracts away from the fact that properly maintained equipment does not have the issues your document insinuates at all. i am a big proponent in keeping your oil clean just like any truck owner would be, but quite frankly, even the cheapest bypass-filtration systems out there would negate the use of your machine + methods totally for the bulk of application if someone were concerned about keeping their oil clean long term. Therefore is a cheaper, more effective solution to simply keep your oil clean through improved filtration (bypass oil system, spinner, etc) and prevent excess soot issues up front through proper pro-active maintenance methods instead of trying to play "Band-Aide" and not addressing real issues properly. After-all, why wait until an engine is already destroying itself to do anything about excess soot in the oil system? Why chase the tail of the dragon, when the dragon can be kept in check to begin with? -- There is no need for that machine or your "liquid cures" to anyone who cares about their equipment already and is keeping it well maintained like they should be.

Your solution(s) implies instead, that all the lost revenue, poor performance, and excessive egr issues can somehow be made to to go away by use of your products -- That is what it actually implies, and for that, I COMPLETELY DISAGREE!.

For this, my conclusion towards your machine and the additive you offer very quickly becomes "A snake-oil solution" when comparing it against solving issues correctly. This is especially true with excess soot and EGR issues because NOT being pro-active towards them costs a truck owner tens of thousands in lost revenue. it costs them fuel mileage most of all, repeating emissions component issues, and other engine problems every year when it simply can be prevented through proper maintenance to begin with WITHOUT MIRACLE LIQUIDS OR CURES!. Clogging oil filters, carbon packing pistons, and all the other well known problems CAN SIMPLY BE PREVENTED without the use of such elaborate systems that are a back-end approach that only cost MORE money to implement instead of LESS (fixing the issues to begin with).

If someone is having issues with excess soot, filter plugging, and accelerated wear, etc....

FIX THE GODDAMN EXCESS SOOT AND OTHER ENGINE PROBLEMS!!! -- That way you don't have to invest in miracle back-end cures where you chase your tail!.

-- HOWEVER -- >>> Since you have withstood my initial barrage of opinion that was harsh and short-sighted on purpose without being an asse about it, I will say this ...>

Although I still disagree strongly with your "Liquid cure", believe me, I have tested quite a few things that people add to their fuel, and am NOT about to point people towards such things. Especially after reading all the "Claims" about it. According to your companies claims,.. If they were even remotely true, my own truck would go above 10+ mpg loaded and a whopping 20+ mpg bobtail! -- Talk about an IFTA auditing nightmare eh?

That machine however --- > I do see limited use of it, though it is NOT for keeping egr issues at bay whatsoever. I will give an opinion on that out of all fairness...

I can see it being somewhat useful for a used truck dealership, where it would be advantageous to "Flush" the oil system on an engine that has suffered extended egr issues already, and is going to be re-sold. Problem is that it masks real issues when doing this, so I STILL don't agree with its use UNLESS THE UNDERLYING PROBLEMS WERE FIXED FIRST!. ... But then again,,.. used truck stearshits are notorious for NOT repairing things correctly, but band-aiding things just enough for them to be sold. It would make me (and likely a lot of other serious truck owners these days) VERY suspicious if I saw 100% nice clean oil in a used truck at a lot. For this, I would be Leary at best.

I can however see a use for a machine to "flush" the oil system out in a convenient way at a shop that does a lot of engine re-building, or has SOLVED emissions and egr issues on a vehicle to get a new base-line. Re-building engines is messy, and most shops will use diesel fuel to flush the engine just before tear-down. A proper flushing method that provided a cleaner result would save some time, although limited, and reduce the overall "messiness" of the job more-so than the typical "run some diesel through it for a bit" method.

A second use, and this is THE ONLY REASON I decided to make a reply to begin with,.... Is to use this machine to perhaps flush an ISX engine that has suffered a catastrophic fuel pump failure. There IS a need for a machine to flush the oil system in great quantity WITHOUT running the engine to remove all the metal shavings and debris after a fuel pump failure on a CM2250 or CM2350 engine. A machine that conveniently connects to the oil filter housing and pumps oil for several hours with a fine filtration system on it while the mechanic rotates the engine by hand every so often IS useful. A cleaning solution of diesel/oil mix would be probably the best though, and not some miracle over-priced "secret detergent solution" of sorts. For this reason alone, I have put the discussion public on my forum out of "fairness" simply because it perhaps could be useful in that way. Like anything else though,.. a shop would have to weigh the convenience factor against the cost of such things, regardless of the claims a salesman and his marketed hype and over-zealous documents has made.

Lastly, a machine that connects to the filter housing can also provide a secondary convenient way to pre-lube an engine after a re-build. For this perhaps the machine you offer is capable of it?> Unknown... but then again,... I can go out to the local hardware store and cut open an old filter, and make the same thing for FAR LESS MONEY for such a purpose, but that is just me. I would not need a fancy machine with gadgets and gismos all over it to pre-lube or even flush an engine myself.

That is what I have to say about it,... I AM full of S$it ,.. Rawze.

User's Signature: ->: What I post is just my own thoughts and Opinions! --- I AM Full Of S__T!.
 Thanks given by: hhow55 , Signature620 , BobsYourUncle , Brock , Midland , Hammerhead , Squish099 , dhirocz , PuroCumminsPower , the missing link

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