12-27-2016, (Subject: Injectors ) 
Post: #16
RE: Injectors
Switched back actuators to front and front to back and now 123 chirp when u shut them off. So I'm going to replace them since it followed actuators.

Proly not the problem but it chirps loud and can't be normal

Tested voltage for vgt box and it's good.

When it was on computer it was inactive at the time

Messages In This Thread
Injectors - race7820000 - 12-25-2016,
RE: Injectors - rgreen - 12-25-2016,
RE: Injectors - Unilevers - 12-25-2016,
RE: Injectors - Brock - 12-26-2016,
RE: Injectors - kryten - 12-26-2016,
RE: Injectors - race7820000 - 12-25-2016,
RE: Injectors - race7820000 - 12-25-2016,
RE: Injectors - Rawze - 12-26-2016,
RE: Injectors - race7820000 - 12-26-2016,
RE: Injectors - Rawze - 12-27-2016,
RE: Injectors - race7820000 - 12-27-2016,
RE: Injectors - in2trux - 12-27-2016,
RE: Injectors - race7820000 - 12-27-2016,
RE: Injectors - Rawze - 12-27-2016,
RE: Injectors - race7820000 - 12-27-2016,
RE: Injectors - race7820000 - 12-27-2016,
RE: Injectors - race7820000 - 12-27-2016
RE: Injectors - race7820000 - 12-27-2016,
RE: Injectors - race7820000 - 12-28-2016,
RE: Injectors - Rawze - 12-28-2016,
RE: Injectors - multitask - 07-08-2019,
RE: Injectors - race7820000 - 12-28-2016,
RE: Injectors - race7820000 - 12-28-2016,
RE: Injectors - AussieISX - 12-28-2016,
RE: Injectors - race7820000 - 12-28-2016,
RE: Injectors - Rawze - 12-28-2016,
RE: Injectors - race7820000 - 12-29-2016,
RE: Injectors - Cuya - 12-29-2016,
RE: Injectors - Brock - 12-29-2016,
RE: Injectors - race7820000 - 12-29-2016,
RE: Injectors - Brock - 12-29-2016,
RE: Injectors - Hammerhead - 12-29-2016,
RE: Injectors - race7820000 - 12-29-2016,
RE: Injectors - AussieISX - 12-30-2016,
RE: Injectors - Rawze - 12-29-2016,
RE: Injectors - gearhead - 01-02-2017,
RE: Injectors - Rawze - 01-02-2017,
RE: Injectors - Waterloo - 01-02-2017,
RE: Injectors - AussieISX - 01-05-2017,
RE: Injectors - Rawze - 01-05-2017,
RE: Injectors - AussieISX - 01-05-2017,
RE: Injectors - Brock - 01-05-2017,
RE: Injectors - hhow55 - 01-06-2017,
RE: Injectors - dhirocz - 07-08-2019,
RE: Injectors - Rawze - 07-09-2019,
RE: Injectors - Nilao - 01-07-2017,
RE: Injectors - Brock - 01-08-2017,
RE: Injectors - Rawze - 01-08-2017,
RE: Injectors - t700 - 01-08-2017,

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