DD13 Gear Oil Results-First Oil Sample
05-24-2018, (Subject: DD13 Gear Oil Results-First Oil Sample ) 
Post: #1
DD13 Gear Oil Results-First Oil Sample
The results from adding the gear oil to my DD13 are impressive. At first I was going to sample at 12k miles but instead I decided to wait until 15k. The results were good enough that I also went to 20k and pulled another sample but haven't got that one back yet. The first sample below is the current oil sample with the gear oil added. The second is the three samples prior. Of note to me is the soot level which I expected to go up as a result of cleaning out the plugged venturi ports for the EGR delta-p sensor. The second item I noted was a 4 point drop in iron, the copper reading is still at 1, and the other bearing metals have all dropped to 0 (tin, chromium, lead, and aluminum). The five additives on the far right I expected to drop as I had five gallons of Rotella-T in my garage so I used that along with the Rotella-T4. Oxidation, nitration and sulfation all went down. I'm not real sure about those properties and what they represent so if you know, I'd love to know. Also, the viscosity went up which was expected due to the viscosity of the gear oil. All in all, I'm impressed. I've already done another oil change and added the gear oil again. This time I will be going back to 12k mile oil samples and changes. Of particular note to me is that my sodium level came up 2 points so I'll be keeping a close eye on that. BTW, I did NOT baby the engine during this trial. I did stick to my 55-60 mph routine but when it came to climbing hills and mountains it was pedal to the metal, as long as the coolant temp was ok and downshifting accordingly. It is absolutely amazing how much quieter the engine gets when using gear oil. Even my service air compressor was quieter when it was charging the air tanks.

.pdf  173064135_FD07770_D420-48123-0040_NAR.PDF (Size: 153.78 KB / Downloads: 319)

.pdf  3607445_192-OT#192-OT_D430-48068-0649_NAR (2).PDF (Size: 128.6 KB / Downloads: 302)

User's Signature: Dyin' ain't much of a living, driver. Put it down...it can wait.
 Thanks given by: schISM , Chamberpains , Rawze , Waterloo , DLC

Messages In This Thread
DD13 Gear Oil Results-First Oil Sample - bossboy2 - 05-24-2018

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