(11-07-2019 )Hammerhead Wrote: (11-07-2019 )flatbed94kid Wrote: I heard you can have 20k on steers
OMG! Please stop!
If you are going to post something, please understand what you are saying. If you hear something and don't understand it, ask questions until you do.
If I asked you to explain this, you probably couldn't. You are correct, but you're also wrong. Now I'm going to confuse the crap out of you...however, I can and will explain it.
You can be 40,000 lbs on the steers, and be legal!
How is that possible?
Simple, a tandem steer truck with 20k lb axles.
Now, can anyone be 40k on the steers? No, obviously not. You have to have a truck set up PROPERLY for it.
Can someone go 20k on a single steering axle? Yes. As long as the truck is equipped with a 20k front axle, AND has the appropriate size and weight rated tires
Can you? No. I know this because you have posted pictures of your truck.
Can I go 20k on the front end? I'm actually asking, to make you think, I have posted pics of my truck on the forum.
(The front end what we call a steering axle in the HH world, because sometimes its more than one)
The answer is "No, I cannot." I have a 16k front end, with 385R65/22.5 steering tires. 385's are not rated for 20k.
I am damn near 15k on the front end bobtail, and it's perfectly legal.
A single steering axle, is a single axle. Subject to single axle rules. Single 11R (or equivalent) tires on one axle are limited to 12k lbs, even if it's on a trailers. Just because it's on a steering axle doesn't make special rules for it, it's just an axle.
Now, just because I can legally be 16k on the front end doesn't mean I can legally gross 84k!
Why? Because interstate legal GVW is still only 80k. I just have a little axle tolerance room, just like you do with your 10' spread axle. The total of your legal axle weights is 86k, but unless you're registered for that, and are in a jurisdiction that allows it, you are also limited to...you got it 80k.
That's how you say something with confidence. Obviously, I understand the subject, and I can also explain it.
It's not regurgitated verbal diarrhea that I don't understand.
You didn’t get into cab cards
Which muddies the waters
If the state or province let’s you up the gross legally allowed then you can be more than 80,000 legally without permits
Not arguing or disagreeing
It’s frustrating talking to people that don’t understand that 12/34/40 still can’t add up to more than 80....