Prostar and Volvo
06-25-2020, (Subject: Prostar and Volvo ) 
Post: #1
Prostar and Volvo
Going to look at a 2009 prostar with a ISX Cummins and a 2015 Volvo tomorrow. Really like the Prostar and it only has around 665,000 miles on it. The Volvo is much newer and has around 484,000 on it .

What is the number one thing/item to check on both trucks since I’m considering purchasing in the near future.

I have a very good understanding about trucks so I’m just looking for more information that you all could offer. The International is super clean and has been sitting for some time (no driver). Just want to learning what to look out for on the trucks!

Messages In This Thread
Prostar and Volvo - GAguy912 - 06-25-2020
RE: Prostar and Volvo - Rawze - 06-25-2020,
RE: Prostar and Volvo - Rawze - 06-25-2020,
RE: Prostar and Volvo - Magard - 06-27-2020,
RE: Prostar and Volvo - Magard - 06-28-2020,
RE: Prostar and Volvo - Rawze - 06-30-2020,
RE: Prostar and Volvo - JimT - 07-03-2020,
RE: Prostar and Volvo - Rawze - 07-03-2020,

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